Supporting Queensbury Tunnel
If you weren’t already aware Queensbury is hoping to create one of the longest cycle routes in the whole of the UK. This is being currently supported by local Councillor Andrew Senior, Graeme Bickerdike – Senior Partner, Four by Three, and Norah McWilliam.

Gary Brown – Rotorgraph, Andrew Senior – Councillor & Carlos Conwaz – Local Drone Enthusiast
At a cost of £3m to fill in the tunnel, Graeme Bickerdike, said: “Is it sensible to take £3m of taxpayers money, convert it into concrete, and pour it into a black hole? Or do you use that money and invest it into transforming this structure into an asset that can be used to generate money?”
Sustrans has calculated that using the tunnel for recreation would boost the local economy by almost £40m over the next 30 years.
You can help by simply signing this petition and getting the much needed votes to keep it open as a cycle route. Not only will this help improve the health of our local community, but it will also bring much needed tourism to our area which in turn will help boost the local economy.

Rotorgraph used DJI Mavic Pro to capture aerial footage
Finally to find out more about the costs and logistics behind bringing this to life, here is a short clip of Graeme Bickerdike reflecting on the struggles faced in getting to where we are currently.
Credit to Andrew Senior for all his ongoing efforts, Ian “P13” Hudson for editing the video and also Carlos Conwaz for local support from Queensbury Drone Flying Group